• Vacancy for Position of Vice Chancellor at Obafemi Awolowo University.

    The Governing Council of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife has commenced the process of appointing of a new Vice-Chancellor for the University. Consequently, applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for the position.


    The Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, is a comprehensive public institution established in 1962 as the University of Ife by the government of the then Western Region of Nigeria. In August 1975, the Federal Government of Nigeria took over the University and in 1987 renamed it after Chief Obafemi Awolowo, a frontline Nigerian Statesman and one of the University’s founding fathers.
    The University is situated on a vast expanse of land totalling 11,350 hectares of land in Ile-Ife, Osun State, Southwest of Nigeria.


    The Vice-Chancellor is the Principal Academic and Executive Officer of the University and ex-officio Chairman of the Senate and Member of Council. He shall exercise general supervision over the University and shall have general responsibility to Council for maintaining and promoting the efficiency and good order of the University.  It shall also be the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to see that the provisions of the Law and Statue, ordinances and Regulations of the University are observed, and he may exercise such powers as may be necessary or expedient of that purpose.


    The person for the post of Vice-Chancellor of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, is required to possess a good University education of a recognized University and should be a proven manager of human and material resources. Specifically, the candidate shall be expected to:

    • be 50 years old and above, but not older than 65 years by June, 2017;
    • be a highly distinguished scholar of the rank of Professor of not less than ten (10) years experience on that rank, with ability to provide academic and administrative leadership for the University Community;
    • be able to command the respect of the national and international academic communities through his/her track records;
    • possess a clear vision for the development of the University and the realization of its mission as expressed in its strategic plan which theme is ‘Harnessing Technology for Academic Excellence’;
    • demonstrate interpersonal and team building skills and possess the ability to strengthen the bridges between staff, students, other members of the University community and the University’s stake holders;
    • exhibit entrepreneurial drive and ability to attract much needed funds and mobilize other resources for the development of the University;
    • enjoy excellent physical and mental health; and
    • have demonstrable ability to establish and maintain partnerships with local and international governmental and non-governmental agencies.


    The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a single term of five (5) years only on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the letter of appointment. The remuneration and other conditions of service as are applicable to the post of Vice-Chancellor in all Nigerian Federal Universities and as may be determined by the Government/Governing Council of the University as appropriate.


    1. Each application should be made in thirty (30) copies and be accompanied by thirty (30) copies of the candidate’s curriculum vitae duly signed and dated. The curriculum vitae must contain details of the candidate’s names in full, age, marital status, educational attainment, nationality, professional and academic achievements.
    2. Each application should include the names and addresses of three (3) referees. Each Referee must be contracted by the applicant to forward, direct to the Registrar, a confidential report on the candidate’s character, academic and managerial competences in a properly sealed envelope marked Post of Vice-Chancellor: Referee’s Report at the top left hand corner of the envelope.
    3. Each application must be accompanied by thirty (30) copies of statement of the candidate’s Vision for the University in the twenty first century.
    4. In the case of candidates identified by the Search Team, the application shall conform to the requirements in (i) to (iii) above, and in addition, the candidate shall present a letter of consent duly signed by him/her along with the application.
    5. All applications shall be submitted under confidential cover and addressed to:
      The Registrar and Secretary to Council,
      Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
    6. The sealed envelope(s) containing the applications or nominations should be marked Post of Vice-Chancellor at the top left hand corner and forwarded to reach the Registrar and Secretary to Council not later than close of work (4.00p.m) on March 9, 2017.


    Signed: Awoyemi (Registrar and Secretary to Council)

    Best of luck To You all…
    CampusPortalNG Team


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