• FG To Harmonise University Tuition Fees.


    The Nigerian Minister of Education, Malam Adamu Adamu, has stated that the Federal Government will harmonise tuition fees in all federal universities in the country to stop arbitrary charge of fees by some university authorities.

    Speaking during a News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Forum in Abuja on Tuesday, the minister said: “Since the protests started, we have summoned the authorities of the universities and sat down with them and we are going to harmonise everything.

    “Because, I think it is N45,000 that is the maximum that should be charged. I know in some places, there has been other arrangement.

    “But the ministry would harmonise everything and I believe there will be no more protests over fees.

    It would be recalled that the Universities of Lagos, Ibadan and Port Harcourt were recently shut down following students’ protests over increase in fees, lack of water and power supply on the campuses.

    Adamu said that the Federal Government was discussing with management of the affected universities, adding that efforts were also ongoing to introduce harmonised fees for all federal universities.

    On the excessive fees charged by private tertiary institutions in the country, the minister explained that government does not have the power to regulate fees in that sector but added that the fees should also be regulated as they are too exorbitant. (NAN)


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