• A student, Shahidullahi Sale, was charged to a Sharia Court sitting at Sabon Gari, Kano, on Tuesday for allegedly beating and stabbing of another student, Shuaibu Labaran.

    The 21-year-old suspect was charged for causing grievous hurt, an offence that contravenes section 163 of the Kano Shari’a Law.

    The Police prosecutor, Cpl. Ahmed Magawata, had earlier told the court that on May 29, one Shuaibu Labaran of Gama Quarters, Kano, reported the case to Gwagwarwa Police Division, Kano.

    Magawata said on the same date, the accused used sharp knife to stab his victim (Labaran) in his right leg.

    He said as a result of the stabbing, the victim sustained a serious deep injury and was still receiving treatment in the hospital.

    When the content of the First Information Report (FIR) was read out to the accused, he pleaded guilty.

    The presiding Judge, Malam Abubakar Ayagi, therefore, ordered the accused to be remanded in prison and adjourned the case to June 15, for further mention. (NAN)

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