• UI Postgraduate Form 2019/2020 Session is Now Available.

    The School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Ibadan (UI) invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for admission into various postgraduate programmes for 2019/2020 Academic Session.

    (i) Full-Time Admission;
    Full – time admission can be offered only to candidates who satisfy the Postgraduate School that they are not in employment, or that they have been released by their employers to undertake full – time studies. Candidates found to have made a false declaration in th is regard shall be asked to withdraw from the University.

    (ii) Part- Time Admission;
    Candidates may be admitted to part – time registration, if they are on the academic staff of the University or can satisfy the Postgraduate School that facilities for their w ork as part – time students are adequate. Candidates applying for part-time registration may be asked to show evidence of release by their employers.

    (iii) Admission as Occasional Students;
    Candidates who satisfy the minimum entry requirements for higher degree programme and are recommended by the Faculty Postgraduate Committee may be admitted as occasional students, but shall not be awarded a degree of the University of Ibadan. This type of admission is also open to candidates registered for higher degrees of other Universities, recognised by Senate.

    Check the attached PDF document below for the list of available postgraduate programmes and the specific requirement for each programme.

    General Regulations Governing Admission to Higher Degree Programmes:

    (a) Candidates for admission to higher degree programmes shall normally be graduates of the University of Ibadan or other Universities/Institutions recognised by the Senate. Admission shall be made by the Postgraduate School on the recommendation of the appropriate Faculty Postgraduate Committee.

    (b) Candidates without any previous higher degrees in the relevant discipline may be admitted only to either the Degree of Master or the Professional Degree of Master.

    (c) Candidates with recognised “ Research Higher” Degree in the relevant discipline may be admitted to the M.Phil or Ph.D. degree programmes as appropriate, on the recommendation of the appropriate Faculty Postgraduate Committee.

    (d) Where, in respect of an otherwise eligible candidate with a higher degree, a firm recommendation for admission to the Ph.D. degree programme cannot be made, a Faculty may recommend that a candidate be admitted provisionally to the M.Phil/Ph.D. programme pending an assessment report. Such an assessment sh all be made by a panel set up by the Faculty Postgraduate Committee on the recommendation of the student’s department and shall take place not later than the end of the first semester of registration.

    UI Postgraduate Method of Application:

    1. Requests for application forms into higher degree programmes of the University are normally made every year.
    2. Application forms cost N13,000 for academic programmes and N18,000 for professional programmes.
    3. Applicants for the degree of Master and Postgraduate Diploma are to pay an extra N3,000:00 for test of proficiency in English Language.
    4. To apply visit; http://pgsui.com/application/new_applicant.jsp
    5. Applicants are to approach any of the Banks listed on the invoice. Note that E-channels are available at GTB and Skye Bank PLC.
    6. Incomplete information from an applicant may delay or halt action on such application.
    7. Applicants are to upload their relevant credentials and submit along with their application electronically
    8. Applicants would be informed electronically (through the e mail addresses provided in the electronically filled Application form) of progress in the processing of their forms.
    9. The Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan, requires three letters of recommendation from faculty members or others well acquainted with the student’s academic work. Please note that the referee forms are a vailable on line, to be completed and submitted electronically.
    10. Official transcripts of all degrees completed are to be mailed directly to the Postgraduate School . If the Registrar of an applicant’s University will provide an official copy to the School directly, applicants must enclose along with the application an unofficial or student’s copy of the transcript for temporary reference. To prevent delays, applicants should make adequate arrangements with their Registrars to provide transcripts before the stipulated deadline.

    Closing Date:

    Sale of application form for master and postgraduate diploma programmes will close on 30th September, 2019 at 11:59pm.

    Best of luck To You all…
    CampusPortalNG Team

    1 Comment

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    1. Agatha oko 8 years ago

      Please sir,does your institution offers post basic courses like peri operative nursing tnks sir.

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