RHEMA University ACIB Linkage Programme Application
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RHEMA University ACIB Linkage Programme Application February 1st, 2017CampusportalNGstaff
Rhema ACIB Linkage Programme.
The ACIB/Degree Linkage is a partnership between a University and the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (CIBN) aimed at raising the standard of professionalism at entry level in Banking and Financial services industry.
The partnership allows graduates of Banking and Finance of a partnering University to be examined in only few subjects in the CIBN’s banking professional examinations to obtain associateship diploma which qualifies them as professional bankers.
The other phase, which is known as Top Up, is a two year bridge degree programme designed to meet the academic needs of holders of Associate of Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria (ACIB), HND and other professional Diplomas and Certificates in Accounting, Insurance, Marketing, Business Administration / Management, Secretary Administration, Personnel Management, Commerce and other areas that are sometimes subsumed in these functional areas.
B.Sc Banking and Finance/ACIB Linkage Programme.
Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into B.Sc. Banking and Finance/ACIB Linkage Programme for the 2015/2016 academic session. The programme leads to the award of B.Sc Banking and Finance by Rhema University, Nigeria and ACIB (Associate of Chartered Institute of Bankers) by the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria.
All candidates must have at least five credits passes including English and Mathematics at the O/Level, as basic requirement.
All candidates must have professional and/or academic certificates obtained through examination in any one or more of the following; Banking, Insurance, Actuarial science, Marketing, Marketing, Management, Accounting, Commerce, General Administration or HND or Degree in any functional areas in Management Sciences/Business Administration or Degree in
Part-time (weekend) programme or
Distance Education programme through E-Learning Platform.
Rhema university has internet based Learning Platform and Electronic Library that will eneable you participate in the programme from wherever you reside.
The minimum duration of the programme is two academic sessions of three (3) terms per session.
Download the form at the download link below.
Pay a non-refundanble application fee of N15,000.00(fifteen thousand naira only). All fees are to be paid into the underlisted accounts of the University bearing the name;
Rhema University (RU/ACIB):
United Bank of Africa Plc. (UBA)………………..1014714644
First Bank of Nigeria Plc…………………………….2015789367
Return the completed application Form with evidence of payment not later than 31st March, 2016 to;
The Coordinator (08035526012)