It’s another service year, and we at CampusPortalNG are determined to make sure every prospective NYSC corps member is adequately prepared for the year long national assignment.

    We will begin this article with a brief introduction to the NYSC service year. The service year comprises of four (4) main segments in which every Corps Member must satisfactorily participate before he/she is qualified to be issued a certificate of National Service.

    They are;

    1. Orientation Courses.
    2. Primary Assignment.
    3. Community Development Service.
    4. Winding – Up / Passing – Out.

    The service year starts with the Orientation Course which is seen by many as the most important and enjoyable part of being a corper.

    The orientation course lasts for three (3) weeks with so many activities lined-up for the benefit of the new corps members (Otondos). It opens with a swearing-in / opening ceremony presided over by the executive Governor of various States or the FCT Minister, for those posted to the capital city, Abuja. The oath of Allegiance and the National Pledge are administered by the Chief Judge of the State / FCT.

    The orientation course content involves physical training, drills, lectures on the people and tradition of the host State, professional lectures for Corps health personnels, lawyers, teachers and Skill acquisition training e.t.c. Corps members participate in social activities designed to create opportunities for them to interact. They participate in dance and drama competitions, Miss NYSC and Mr Macho.

    They also participate in inter platoon competitions on football, volleyball, table tennis, cooking and sanitation. Corps members are also trained on Man ‘O’ War activities leading to competitions on inter platoon drills and tug of war.

    These activities culminates with the Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) posting for corps members at the end of the three weeks, with of course your first taste of “allowie” payment currently N33,000.00 only. This is when you can graduate from being an “Otondo” to “Ajuwaya”.

    Quick Tips and Advice For Youth Corpers Before Leaving For Orientation Camp:

    Below is an itemized 20 quick tips to enjoying your NYSC service year;

    1. There are washer men and women available at your disposal for mostly the Aje-butter children and those who do not want to stress themselves. I can proudly say I used them. Registration stops 12 midnight preceding swearing –in day.
    2. Never forget to wear your cap.
    3. You would be given your meal ticket. Never misplace it. I actually never used mine till end of camp.
    4. I never knew what otondos meant ==MUMU.
    5. Adjustment of clothes: You definitely have to adjust your khaki given, no one escapes this. Make sure you do this on time and also make sure you follow those tailors up if not you would be given flimsy excuses. Ensure you negotiate price for adjustment very well. They think you have money to waste.
    6. You would meet different types of human beings the crazy, spoilt, razz, dirty, complicated, stupid,… holy, party, drunk, beautiful, ugly, different tribes etc. Be open-minded and smile at someone. New friends! The truth of the matter is, you shouldn’t go through camp alone.
    7. Read your call up letter thoroughly both back and front.
    8. Just have enough t-shirts and shorts to wear throughout the week because some camps, the activities are time consuming leaving little or no time for you during the week till weekend.
    9. You will be fed three times a day in camp, but the food is barely edible. The kitchen is run by incredibly hard working women who are assisted by fellow otondos from different platoons assigned to the kitchen for each meal.
    10. If you are someone who loves to eat good food, or you don’t want to have the mammy feel, no problem just come loaded to camp with provisions. Like cereals and beverages, garri, biscuits etc. You should also hold extra cash to eat at the Mammy market, you will get good food there and won’t spend much to eat well, and the price however depends on the state to which you have been posted.
    11. There are places available where you can charge your batteries at the camp market.
    12. Always fetch water down for the next morning. You can be shocked that water supply might finish before it gets to your turn and that’s the end for you. As for drinking water you either bought pure water or bottled water; there was no free drinking water whatsoever.
    13. Ladies try not to go with heavy or synthetic hair to avoid excess heat and time to care for it. You could advisable make short hair to avoid heat and save time, I did a short hair which lasted me three weeks, braids is also advisable, don’t do lace wig or even fringe.
    14. Pocket Money: The question is “How much money do you really need for the NYSC Orientation Course, you will be paid a N1,500 allowance once you arrive the NYSC camp and also another one (first ALLAWI) after some days on camp. if you intend to drink and hang out at the Mami market, then you can take more money depending on how much you can finish, be wise though!
    15. Just be prepared to wait in line for EVERYTHING.
    16. The bathrooms and toilets are nothing to write home about. It is always dirty and terrible in fact if not careful disease could be contacted. Well some ladies don’t know about guys, had buckets for the sole purpose of relieving themselves with what I can call ‘pit bucket’.
    17. Do not dare the soldiers, some can be ruthless and you know they have authority to deal with you in name of discipline.
    18. Always switch your phones off or put them on silent while on parade ground. Just don’t bring it out, it could be seized and destroyed not minding if it’s a blackberry z10.
    19. The accommodation was something else. Rooms were jam-packed with little or no space to pass and walk freely. I had up to 60 roommates if not more. It was always stuffy, dirty and ventilation was poor.
    20. There are fellowships for Christians and Muslims. The 3 recognized associations are NCCF (NIGERIAN CHRISTIAN CORPERS FELLOWSHIP), NACC (ANGLICAN) and MCAN (MUSLIM CORPERS ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA). But there were others like Redeemed, Winners, catholic, Christ embassy and deeper life. So you could make your choice. Also they have morning devotions and weekly service.

    Overall, the NYSC camp was fun and I met a lot of people and I can say it was worth it was well worth it. It is an experience every Nigerian should have. It was the best 3 weeks of my life.

    I will be here waiting to see you again with your comments and experiences on camp.

    Till then wishing you a successful NYSC YEAR. May you all go and come in peace and not in pieces.


    Extracts from: Evatese’s Blog


    Comments are closed.

    1. ayobami 11 years ago

      is it possible to leave camp if your already working??

    2. Deeny 11 years ago

      Thank you so much for taking out your time to address this subject very fluent,only God can bless u without any failure.Big thanks to the developers of this site and every other individuals who take time to donate stuffs to the page.

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 11 years ago

        Thanks for the kind words.

    3. Nwakaego ezeh 11 years ago

      Tanx4ds information u are bless!

    4. Omotola 11 years ago

      Please they made mistake with my jamb registration number nd by so doing i didnt have a call up number yet, please is it possible for me to receive call up letter, because i was told dat they have return it for correction immediately.

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 11 years ago

        Yes. You will receive your call-up letter which will bear your call-up number.

    5. opeyemi 11 years ago

      Thanks for the information I will very helpful for me. But pls is there ATM in the camp site?
      Best regard

    6. victor ikot 11 years ago

      pls, bathroom and toilet should kept clean to avoid contamination of disease. Hw ‘ll someone keep his or her property save? Lastly i like to comment on d effort of nysc Director, kudos to him. God bless nigerian corpers especially batch b 2014.

    7. CHIBUGO OLIVIA 11 years ago

      This page gave me more than enough cos I will be entering CAMP on 5th Aug. Am among the 2014 batch B. I like Ur page.

    8. Tasie isaac chijioke 11 years ago

      Wooooh! I like this experience

    9. Tasie isaac chijioke 11 years ago

      Wooooh! I like this experience. I will be there on November 2014. Thanks for this info.

    10. Aminu Dalhatu 11 years ago

      tnx dear, am going wit batch B 2014. u;ve made tynx easier 4 mee. cnt waitOooo..COPPER SHAUN!!!!

    11. ifeanyi 11 years ago

      thank you for the good words of advice. I will be going for service by Nov 2014 , which government organisation is the best to carry out ppa in akwa ibom state. I need all the info I can get. here is my pin for any intending corper so we could talk more 750E63BB

    12. Mary 10 years ago

      thanks for d information. really helpful.

    13. michael 10 years ago

      thanks for the info highly appreciated. my fellow otondos kindly link me let relate better 799586A3

    14. Danachuks 10 years ago

      …plz, I’ll lik 2 knw ,,, hw NYSC split prospective corp members 2 various states in Nigeria. Is dia any criterial 2wards d@ ? Thou , during d online registration , de askd states U’ve visited .. I’ll lik 2 knw d secret behind d posting,coz most corpers try in 1 way or d oda 2 influence dia state of choice , bt it seems nt clickin diz days … Y ?

    15. THEOHEAT 10 years ago

      This is very helpful am so so glad i got this info from this page… Keep up d good work.

    16. misbaudeen 10 years ago

      hw av alyz lovd 2,bt alys paininme am runing a dlc program..missing thz,alyz felt lyk crying..btlordbless us all

    17. Demmie 10 years ago

      I’m starting my orientation with batch C 2014. I heard we’ll not be allowed to leave camp at all during the 3 weeks period. Please how true is this?

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        Yes. it is true.

    18. basil 10 years ago

      I jst graduated nd ,hopefully, i’ld be serving nxt yr. Thanks for de info

    19. michael 10 years ago

      I’m disappointed at you guys… When othe blogs that are not into education have finished sensitizing us about NYSC for a long time, then you guys that are into education stuffs decided 2 neglect and come up with this article today. How is this suPposed 2 help? Your timing is poor and for the first time, I’m not happy. Nice article though but seen it before.

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        Did you see the publication date on the article? It was just re-shared on social media. Pleased be informed before criticizing. Thanks

    20. suleman lema 10 years ago

      thank you toward your contribution,we are great.

    21. Ikape Simon 10 years ago

      Thanks alot, i like this guid and advice, they are going to help me alot.

    22. daniel Teino 10 years ago

      Life on camp was a great one for me, it is some thing can’t explain to some one if not witness yourself. there is a proverb that says, seen is believing that is u can;t believe wot u dnt see yourself. further more on the last day to vacate from kubwa annoyed me bcs like the fun mostly with all our Nigeria Army, jesting together and taking pictures with them.

    23. daniel Teino 10 years ago

      I so much impress with life on camp.imagine u will be on line to collect food.

    24. HEZEKIAH EMMANUEL 10 years ago


    25. DIEBAL PIUS DIEMUK 10 years ago

      I am a graduat of L ibrary Science from UNIMAID. most of my mates are on Industry assignment now, My problem now is that does of us who coould not go to camp becouse of aur ages are not imformed about our Examtion Letters.

    26. Alexandra 10 years ago

      Ds is such an eye opener. Tnx a lot.

    27. orji scholastica 10 years ago

      NACC is national association of catholic corp member. Not anglican

    28. Princess ike 10 years ago

      U over tried oh.i feel so relieved and prepared.tnk u very much

    29. White 9 years ago

      Pls o what colour of passport to snap. I hear of White background and also hear of NYSC logo snap. And pls o i wanted to pack all my items needed for the service. Thanks.

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 9 years ago

        White or Red background. Nothing like NYSC logo

    30. alaoma bridget chinonso 8 years ago

      Nice one, please keep it up. When is the second stream batch b 2017 leaving ?

    31. OGBAJI ALFRED 8 years ago

      This info will really help most of the ignorant students aspiring and warming up 4 their youth service.Many potential corps members would cherish and appreciate this,I hope to be there in 2020

    32. Ebube Jude 7 years ago

      Ha.. Nice … my friend was posted to Yobe state. He should be okay after reading this

    33. Evelyn Daniel 5 years ago

      Thanks a lot for this information.
      Lol, its funny and educative too.
      Please i will love you to keep me updated on 2020 batch(those that will be serving by March).
      When will the portal be open?
      How will i knw?and how will i get to choose a state? Get my call up later?
      please these and more are information i will need.

      Sorry for giving you an extra task, but i will really appreciate your help.

      Thanks remain blessed.

    34. best post not 5 years ago

      Thank you for sharing this post. Such a nice academic services website.

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