• Updated Info On JAMB Printed Admission Letter.

    Lately, we have received a lot of inquiries from UTME and Direct Entry (DE) candidates trying to verify the authenticity of their admission as appeared on their institution of choice’ website but not on the JAMB website.

    The candidates have asked questions like “My name is on the admission list published on my school of choice’ website, but my admission status on the JAMB website says No Admission Offered Yet, does it mean my admission is fake?”

    We want to categorically state that your admission is authentic if it appeared on your school’s official website, even when it is yet to appear on the Jamb website. Anybody who says otherwise is simply misleading you for selfish interests!

    Some persons online also claim that if candidates do not have the JAMB admission letter purchased through them, such candidates were not actually admitted, even when their names appeared on their school’s admission list. That’s a fallacy!

    There are a lot of reasons why some candidates’ names may be on the school’s admission list but not on the Jamb website and thus cannot print the Jamb admission letter. Such a candidate’s admission is very much valid!

    Let’s clear some misconceptions with the following points;

    1) Ideally, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) had sole responsibility to determine who was admitted into any higher institution in Nigeria, but now, the schools actually have the final say on who gets admitted, and this is the only place you can really get help whenever you have trouble with your admission.

    2) JAMB does not have any other way to determine who is qualified for admission but through the schools that organized Post Utme screening tests. The admission lists on the JAMB website were first approved by the schools.
    If you get the “no admission offered yet” response on the JAMB website when your name has actually appeared on your school’s admission list, it’s simply because JAMB is yet to update their database with your details or due to some errors while processing your information which will definitely be sorted out through your school.
    In the case of double admission (I.e. Candidates admitted into two different institutions), Such candidates need to reject the less preferred admission and accept the more preferred one by following the instructions supplied by the schools for such cases.

    3) Many schools actually do not compulsorily ask for the admission letter printed from the JAMB website before admitted candidates can be accepted to the school. Some schools even issue the admission letter themselves.
    Therefore, whenever your name appears on your school of choice’s admission list, we advise you to get to the school first, then follow the instructions outlined there (and nowhere else) to accept your admission and proceed with your registration.

    4) The JAMB admission letter is of course an important document but you shouldn’t be in a rush to get one to avoid falling into the hands of scammers. Only print the admission letter when you are requested to do so by your school.
    Some schools request their students to pay a certain amount of money to process the admission letter and validate their admission even years after the admitted candidates have already matriculated.
    In the case of students admitted through pre-degree and other related programs whose names never appeared on the JAMB website, they will need to regularize their admission with JAMB by following the instructions provided at their school’s admission unit.

    5) You can always get the JAMB admission letter anytime, even years after you were admitted and you can do it yourself. You do not need anyone to charge you outrageous fees to get it for you.
    You should also beware of scammers who now send fake JAMB admission letters. A word is enough for the wise!

    How To Print JAMB Admission Letter:

    The new JAMB Admission Letter printing portal allows candidates to print their Admission letters hassle-free at the cost of N1,000 payable online. You can get the original JAMB issued admission letter by following the simple steps outlined below;

    1. Candidates are to check admission status on the JAMB website first to confirm that their admission letter is ready. Click the following link to learn how to do so, https://campusportalng.com/jamb-admission-status/. If you get a congratulatory message and the details on the admission notification page are correct, proceed to Step 2If not, proceed to your school’s admission unit to lay a complaint.
    2. Visit http://www.jamb.org.ng/efacility/ to create a profile via the Sign Up (New User) Page if you are a new user. For existing users, simply type in your login details. To create your profile, you will provide your valid email address, surname, first name, Mobile No, State, and LGA of Origin and password, then click on the Sign-Up button. Each candidate is entitled to only one profile.
    3. Subsequently, you shall use your email address and Password to Sign In.
    4. Once logged in, you will be taken to the landing page where you will see all available services.
    5. Select “Print Admission Letter”. This is available on the sidebar or on the Home page.
    6. Once you select this service, a Transaction ID is generated for this service. This will be displayed on the confirmation page screen.
    7. Review the details displayed on the Confirmation Page. Also, note the Transaction ID displayed in bold in red. The Transaction ID is useful for all future references concerning the Transaction. A copy of this transaction ID will be sent to your registered email address.
    8. Click on the Continue button if you wish to pay (N1,000) with your card immediately. If you wish to use other payment channels like ATM, Cash at the Bank, and Quickteller, please note the transaction ID as it will be required.
    9. On the Interswitch Payment page, enter your card details and click on the Pay button.
    10. The status of your payment will be displayed on the “My Payment Section” An SMS and email containing your unique Transaction Identification and payment status will be sent to you after payment. Click on the Continue button.
    11. Once payment is completed, you will be asked to provide the following: a. Year of Exam and b. JAMB Registration Number. After entering the information correctly, you can now print the Result Slip as shown on the screen.

    NB: Candidates can change the institution/ course of study initially offered to a new institution /course now offered.


    All candidates who have been offered provisional admission for the 2019/2020 academic session to institutions they did not choose as their most preferred institution (First Choice) or did not choose at all that they are to proceed to the JAMB portal: www.jamb.org.ng to make the institution that has offered them admission their most preferred choice.

    The same applies to candidates who have been offered courses different from the ones they originally applied to study.

    Candidates are to ensure they complete this process on or before the admission deadline to enable JAMB to change their admission letters and also adjust their records accordingly.

    After effecting the changes as described above, candidates are expected to visit the school that has offered them admission with the confirmation slip that was printed out from the JAMB website for admission validation.

    Best Wishes…
    The CampusPortalNG Team


    Comments are closed.

    1. Excel Harrison 10 years ago

      Campus portal, u are really doing a great job but I dnt knw why u don’t usually get comments.

      • Author
        CampusportalNGstaff 10 years ago

        Hello EXCEL HARRISON,

        Thanks for those kind words of yours. With more loyal readers who truly appreciate our efforts like you do, we will continue to grow and get more comments.

        Thanks again and have a great day!

    2. Ammar 10 years ago

      Please, Is this Jamb admission letter necessary at ABU zaria? Or they will provide it from school? Pls help, I dont want waste money again, I purchased Jamb scratch card twice for result only.

      • Author
        CampusportalNGstaff 10 years ago

        Hello AMMAR,

        You don’t have to waste your money. Get to the school first and find out for yourself what they actually require from you to complete your registration as a new student.

        Have a great day!

    3. Ekwugha mary 10 years ago

      4 d double adimitted candidate.wat of if d person shld accept d 2 4 d fear of nt losing any nd later want 2 go 4 1 wat will happen?

      • Author
        CampusportalNGstaff 10 years ago

        Hello EKWUGHA MARY,

        You will have to go to the admissions unit of your preferred institution for advice on how to regularize your admission.

        Have a great day!

    4. Ehizokhale Livinus 10 years ago

      I wrote my screening exam for admission in uniben
      when the merit list came out on august 28 I checked and saw my admission status but last week when I went back to check I saw no admission given yet
      so I don’t know what to do

      • Author
        CampusportalNGstaff 10 years ago


        Do you mean you checked on school website or on JAMB website?
        If you are certain your were admitted and all of a sudden your admission status now says you weren’t admitted, you should get to the school immediately to find out what actually happened.

        All the best and have a great day!

    5. SESUGH 10 years ago

      Admin…I have being given Admission on Jamb website through Direct entry@ ABU zaria but ABU ZARIA has not released any list yet… so i want to know hw Authentic my Admission is and who Authorised it..
      ..once again tanks for the good work u av being doin..keeping us up to date…

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        Admission lists on JAMB website are first authorized by the schools.
        Just wait for the official admission list and instructions on how to accept the admission from your school.

    6. Destine 10 years ago

      Thank a lot bt whneva i try to check my admission status iit is usually “no admission given yet” does it mean i’m nt admitted

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        simply check back later

    7. lekeh 10 years ago

      Good day sir,although I was given admission into unilag buh due to my wrong o’level combination,I cudn’t go ahead wiv ma admission stuff.now av written Lasu post utme exam n pass,buh I don’t knw if they r goin to ask for admission letter cause av already bn gvn admission letter for unilag.Hope z not going to b hindrance to my Lasu admission stuff sha??????

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        Were both admissions same year?
        You need to reject the UNILAG admission before you accept and print the admission letter for LASU.
        You have to first get to the admissions unit of LASU to request for assistance on the regularization of your admission.

    8. Tamunotonye Alapu 10 years ago

      thanks for this article I also want to know if it possible for ones admission letter from jamb admitted via jamb and don’t find his name on the school website of admitted students. but has an original admission into the institution from jamb?

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        Can you please rephrase your question?
        I don’t seem to clearly understand what you wrote.

    9. Amb. Dhammy GSPR. 10 years ago

      Dear campusportal admin,
      you r reallt doin great job, may d Lord reward u guy for us, we av ntn to offer u dn to kip prayn for u.
      Pls m wif probs ova ma addmission @ #uniabuja 2014aspirant, I scored 226 for law, i kip checkn n checkn jamb website ma name z nt out yt.
      N dy sed d r resumn 12th of ds month or so. Pple dt scored below 200 hs seen der name…
      Please what z ma hope @ uniabuja admin?
      And z it tru dt LAW college ws ban?

      • Author
        CampusportalNGstaff 10 years ago

        Hello AMB. DHAMMY GSPR,

        It could be that you did not meet up with the minimum requirements for admission into law at the University.
        If you feel you weren’t admitted even when you merited it, you should go to the school and lay your complaints.

        All the best!

    10. lekeh 10 years ago

      Yes I was given both admission d same year.my question z that z it possible 4 me to print out anoda admission letter whc wil av lasu on it or I shud jez go ahead showing them d unilag admission letter and d issue dere z that I didn’t choose lasu atal in jamb

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        Like I told you earlier, you can’t print another admission list with LASU on it until that of UNILAG is removed from JAMB database.

        You have to get to the admissions unit of your school for proper guidance on how to go about this.

    11. Emmyyap 10 years ago

      Admin’ i want to know if (KSU) and IDAHPOLY hav release their list on jamb portal.

    12. Amb. Dhammy GSPR 10 years ago

      u av nt browse tru ma previous questns. Y?
      Please i need ur urgernt asnsa.. GBU.

      • Author
        CampusportalNGstaff 10 years ago

        Hello AMB. DHAMMY GSPR,

        You have been replied.

        Thank You!

    13. Jerry 10 years ago

      Kudos 2u Admin of life, More power 2 ur elbow, and greater u I pray. Pls keep us updated abt Uniabuja clearance and registration date for d newly admitted students…pls, lookin forward 2 ur reply.

    14. Amb. Dhammy GSPR. 10 years ago

      Gudam admin.,
      ntn z rong wif ma O’level na.

    15. muhammad auwal abbas 10 years ago

      when will UDUSOK release their admission list for this session?

    16. Tamunotonye Alapu 10 years ago

      my question is, I gained admission into Unical I checked the merit list released on Jamb website and had printed my Admission letter, I called a friend schooling there to express my joy and he told me I should not celebrate as most persons who find themselves admitted via jamb always don’t find there names on the school list. the school list is out now am yet to get a card to check my status on the school list. so my question is, is it truly possible for one to be admitted via jamb and yet don’t find his name on the school site. taking Unical as a case study. thank u

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        Check your Admission Status on the schools’s website first and proceed from there. Goodluck

    17. Abduljalal Kachalla 10 years ago

      When ‘ll UDUSOK going to release their admission status 4 dis session, nd how can 1 going to check it up? REALY NEED UR HELP SIR

    18. abdulateef 10 years ago

      am abu aspirant,i ave prted jamb admin letter,but my sch has not yet release their sch list.so,are u sain jamb letter is valueless or what?

      • Author
        CampusportalNGstaff 10 years ago

        Hello ABDULATEEF,

        If you had actually read the post above to the end, you wouldn’t have asked this question.
        We never said jamb admission letter is valueless, we only advised you shouldn’t be in a rush to get one.
        Plus, if your name is actually on JAMB website, it should also be on the school’s list whenever it is published as the school approved the names sent to JAMB.
        Always get to your school first for correct instructions as a new student!
        We are talking from experience.

        Have a great day!

    19. Auwal Muhammad Gidado 10 years ago

      I really appreciate ur updates tanks. My questions r two. 1. I apply direct entry at ABU ZARIA, and d released d list, how can i check either iam admitted or nt?, i apply UDUSOK in utme and i have 190points in jamb, no post ume yet, are d going 2 conduct it or nt? 2. I recieved a 2 text massages dat say jamb send me to modonna, i should go to any of there branch 2 collect d admission and i should go wit 6k, while i didnt choose dem in jamb, wats d meaning of dat pls. HELP, URGENT REPLY PLS.

    20. reuben walter 10 years ago

      to d admin.
      from walter.
      pls can u start updating us on O.A.U 2015/2016 jamb stuffs?
      I will be exceedingly grateful if u can do dis 4 us.

    21. Meshack D. Dauda 10 years ago

      Thanks alot for this jamb info, i love this sit

    22. ALUTA PRINCE 10 years ago

      Dear Admin,Is It Possible 4 One 2see Is Name On D Jamb List N Later Find Out Dat His Or Her Name Is Nt Published On D School Portal.Pls,Who Are We 2 Sue 2court Of Law.Da School Management Or Jamb????

    23. dahosky 10 years ago

      Pls…is it possible that jamb will give u admission..and the schools disown it…

    24. Joel comfort 10 years ago

      Pls i need ur guidance on dis, my name came out among de university admission list released bt on my admission letter is shows i given admission 2 de poly i applied 4, in dis case wat can i do 2 rectify it. I need ur reply urgently pls

    25. Usman 10 years ago

      Good day sir, i av printed my admission letterr from jamb portal but the school admission list is not out yet. How am i sure av been admited (uniabuja)

    26. Amb, dhammy GSPR. 10 years ago

      Dear admin,
      pls, dnr b fed up wit our jamb’s questn. Cn see u look possd off.
      U r our moses lead us to d promise land, wif ur good info. Please for God’s sake.
      The Lord will speak for you any areas of ur life.
      Thanks sir

    27. excellent emy 10 years ago

      pls. i want to know if unijos have released their merit list 2014. pls i would be very greatful to receive ur reply. THANKS!

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        UNIJOS admission list is not yet out. We will keep you updated when the list comes out.

    28. joel comfort 10 years ago

      Pls i need ur guidance on dis, my name came out among de university admission list released bt on my admission letter is shows i given admission 2 de poly i applied 4, in dis case wat can i do 2 rectify it. I need ur reply urgently pls.

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        You can approach the polytechnic to obtain information on how to “reject” the admission. They usually have a standard procedure for doing that so that it will reflect on JAMB website

    29. khairaat 10 years ago

      those buk released DE admission list 2014/2015 or yet? cos I only saw d jamb admsion list on d skul portal.

    30. DAVID 10 years ago

      I saw that i was admitted on d jamb portal but on d sch site its wrote you have not been admitted when i wanted to verify d admission,am i actually admitted….

    31. NURUDDEEN 10 years ago

      Wish u all good 4 ur lttst updates.

    32. Okkwu 10 years ago

      It’s high time d Njigerian educational system got BACK its lost glory. Ds renaisance shuold b.gin wit JAMB getin tins right. QUESTION: Y shd Jamb ( a federal comision) give out an admìsion letter dat can b nolified by a common Univ.ty ? If so, LET JAMB B SCRAPED, since dey dont ve a say in ordinary admsion matters!

    33. David Eshiet Bassey 10 years ago

      Pls sir,i wrote my post utme in akwa ibom state university and my school said the result is release in jamb portal.when i checked mine,abia state polytechnic gave me admission whereas i haven’t written the post utme screening test of abia state polytechnics.And when my frnds check theirs,it was admission nt given.so how come did i have my admission in abia state polytechnic that i havent written their exams

    34. Bee jay 10 years ago

      I av nt admitted to aceondo nd i score 237 in my jamb plz sum to help me out my fed up

    35. ebele blessing 10 years ago

      I was given admission into unijos but it hasn’t reflected on jamb admission portal does it mean its d school DAT will give out d admission letter

    36. Badamasi 10 years ago

      Please Admin, My question is about the candidate that activated his admission through jamb but when the school releases the list he discovers that the course displayed by jamb is totally different from the one released by the school. why does this happen?

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        The course that appeared on school’s website is the authentic course candidates are admitted to. you can approach the school with the complaint so that the change will be effected on JAMB website.

    37. Halleluyah Salako 10 years ago

      Pls i dnt knw how and where to check my admission on ma sch portal (LAUTECH) pls if u can help me check this is my reg number 45621116GD and this is my gmail [email protected]

    38. Ruth 10 years ago

      were can i find any jamb office in onitsha

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        JAMB office is in Awka, Amawbia By-Pass, P.M.B. 6046, Awka.

    39. patrick 10 years ago

      Hello. Please we checked an admission status on 2/10/2014 and it showed the congratulatory message with the admission details. Today we checked again in other to print the original jamb admission letter but saw “no admission given yet” please what is wrong??

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        For which institution

    40. NwanekwuG 10 years ago

      pls admin i have a quest dat nid answer
      my quest is i applied for supplementary @ imsu will admission status b available for supplementary @ jamb website???

    41. NwanekwuG 10 years ago

      pls admin gud a.m for those dat apply for supplementry after checking from school are we to check from jamb site.
      dat is,supplementry admission list are they sent to jamb as dat of merit list

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        Yes. You can check JAMB site for supplementary admission list, but not all supplementary lists are uploaded by JAMB.

    42. NICHOLAS ADEM 10 years ago

      do I have to get pin from the b/4 I can access my admission status from uniabuja?

    43. NWANEKWUG 10 years ago

      Tank u admin i.appreciate i was tinkin i was nt goin to b answered buh u guyz answered my previous question tank u very much may God continue to bless u guys.
      pls admin i also have anoda question which is wat if d supplementary list was nt sent to jamb buh d person”s name appear on skul website can one still print out an admission letter??

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        Yes you can. But it might not be this year. It will be verified before you graduate.

    44. adeoye adewale samson 10 years ago

      i saw my name on jamb webst dat av been admitted to kwara poly and d first batch list is out and my name is not there.

    45. REMI 10 years ago

      I’m in my final year in school and still can’t print my jamb admission letter, do i go to school to complain or the jamb office?

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        Complain at the Admissions Office of your school first.

    46. onabajo dapo 10 years ago

      Pls admin…i need ur help…i am trying to prnt out my admission letter and its telling me jamb reg. No supplied does not exist and d deadline date for my screening is on Tuesday nd my admission status is going thru with dat same reg.no

    47. sylvia 10 years ago

      Mine is the direct opposite,I have my admission letter from jamb yet sch says I have not been admitted. Any clarification because I don’t get it.

    48. Ojo Oluwaseun 10 years ago

      hi admin is it possible 2 bb offered a particular course on d jamb website n a different course on d school website

    49. Ojo Oluwaseun 10 years ago

      can a course offered 2 som1 on jamb website b different from d one offered him on d school portal?

    50. emma 10 years ago

      Pls on d jamb website I saw dat I am given admission in a school I missed their post utme, and my name isn’t on d schl list. is d admission authentic? tnx.

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        It might not be authentic yet. Approach the admission’s department of the school to find out what you can do about it.

    51. Rukayat 10 years ago

      Av Bin Gven Admission In My School Bt When I Checked My Admission Status On Jamb Portal It Saying Not Yet Admitted

    52. Ruka 10 years ago

      Av Bin Gven Admission In My School Bt When I Checked My Jamb Admission Status It Says Not Yet Admitted

    53. Ruka 10 years ago

      I Av Bin Gven Admission In My School Bt When I Checked Jamb For My Jamb Admission Status It Says Not Yet Admitted Whot Do I Do

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 10 years ago

        It will be uploaded in due time. Continue with your academic activities.

    54. Okeygodwin 10 years ago

      I like the acedemy

    55. Fadahunsi akinyemi 10 years ago

      My name is Akinyemi, I was admitted into Adeyemi college of education degree and after some weeks, OAU gave me admission which I then change from Adeyemi to OAU, now have completed my four years programe at OAU. But my jamb admission status still read Adeyemi college of education, whereas I finished at OAU, please how do I get jamb admission letter for OAU

    56. Edet 10 years ago

      pls when I check my admission status the respond is that I ve been offered admission bt I cannot use the same reg. no to print my admission letter. When I try the response ws that, the reg. No you supplied does not exist. Pls I dnt no wat 2 do again

    57. henry 10 years ago

      scoring 72 in post utme and 169 in jamb do i have any chance of.
      admission at oko poly

    58. adeosun azeez 10 years ago

      i nid my admission letter

    59. Emma Ajemba 10 years ago

      Sir pls I nid ur help i was admitted on d jamb
      portal but on d sch site its wrote you
      have not been admitted when i
      wanted to verify d admission,am i
      actually admitted….

    60. Ibraheem 10 years ago

      Auwal muhammad gidado udusok admission list is already out,they didn’t make use of post ume this year

    61. nwanekwug 10 years ago

      plz admin,my name appeared on jamb website,but when i tried checking it through the school website,”it says no admission yet check back letter”
      pls admin what could be the problem??

    62. Emediong 10 years ago

      Ive found you to be true among other agents

    63. Lawal Taiwo 10 years ago

      wat happened 2 jamb website,hv been tryin 2 print out my admision letter nd my result,i was nt able 2 print it out

    64. esther 10 years ago

      My brother tried to check his addmission status tru mouau portals after putting his jamb reg number it refuse to open. We tried his jamb scratch card he used to print out his jamd info for wrtting jamb it say invalid pin or serial number.pls wats d problem

    65. cynthia 10 years ago

      i tried printing my jamb admission letter, and was told to change my institution or course to match the admission giving to me. i really donot understand because its the same school i applied to that gave me the admission though a different course.

    66. Bello Adamu 10 years ago


    67. Popoola Adedapo 10 years ago

      I applied to FUT MINNA with Awaitlng Result Status. I have uploaded my O Level Results to the School after their release. May I know the latest information on this. Thank you.

    68. james 10 years ago

      God will reward you for your good did.my questions is this,uniabuja admission list on jamb portal and have not given admission yet.will there be another list aside the one on jamb portal?

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 9 years ago

        They are uploading the list in batches

    69. chidera 9 years ago

      when will otuoke and uniben release their secnd list

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 9 years ago

        As soon as the list is ready

    70. Fatpet 9 years ago

      What do i do? I have been offered admission into OAU by JAMB into a course I didn’t apply for but when i checked the OAU portal it says not yet admitted.Please what do i do?

    71. Gr8 8 years ago

      Plz gudevening I have bin trying to check my admission status BT I can’t they are telling that the jamb page has bin renamed

    72. Musbaudeen 8 years ago

      I get admission into kwacoed and jamb give me bio/chem as my course but they are not offered it in college of education ilorin what can i do

    73. adebayo Oluwatosin 8 years ago

      pls campusportal admin,d problem is dat hv been in institution since 2015 and have not been given admission letter by jamb.how can I solve dat pla

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 8 years ago

        Try verifying your admission on JAMB portal.

    74. innocent 8 years ago

      Please I got admission into two institutions one polytechnic and a university but the admission for polytechnic came out before the university and I did not even purchase their post utme form so it first appeared on the jamb admission status and the course they gave me was not what applied for or was it related to science because I’m a science student in my secondary school days then the university admission came out and it was not on the jamb portal and now I’m in the registration phase for the university and my jamb admission letter is needed I went to cafe and what I see is kadpoly admission
      I went to jamb office they asked me to pay N10,000 for one so called regularisation whose fault is It I can’t pay that sum for anything
      Even my jamb registration fee wasn’t up to that amount and you expect me to take out that amount and give to them was it my fault that I was given admission in two institutions or they should have made space for only one institution when I was registering infact I’m so pissed out right now
      Why can’t someone see more than one admission on jamb portal,why are they making life difficult for me what others do for N1000 I will pay N10,000 plus another N1000 for no just reason that’s not fair by any means
      Now my registration process in the university is put on hold because of one stupid reason,sure they want me to write another jamb and spend another year at home you guys should please be fair
      REG NO_66015213DH

      • CampusPortalNGStaff2 8 years ago

        Sorry about your dilemma but that’s the new policy of JAMB. To change the institution, you must regularize your admission with JAMB.

    75. Rita augustine 4 years ago

      I got admission into plapoly of which the institution was my third Choice do I still need admission letter from jamb

    76. Umar Farouk 4 years ago

      Been having this After checking my status “Congratulations, you have been offered admission! Click the “Access My CAPS” button to accept the offer from CAPS…

      But upon entering the CAPS Direct >>Service
      But kept prompting” You are not Eligible to use this service”

    77. Fidelis 4 years ago

      Can my admission be withdraw after I print my admission letter? Because I don’t have access to my jamb CAPS but I have print my admission letter already. So will it automatically show on my caps that I have accepted the offer? Thanks

    78. Abdulhafeez Ahmad Yawa 2 years ago

      Why is it that if you’re not an indigene of a particular state,you won’t be offered admission?
      Pls we’re all one, one Nigeria

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