• This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 6 months ago by vtravinskyi.

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    • #13952




      So, what such marketing? That it is accepted to understand
      under it are new to us expression how it is necessary to treat concept?
      Marketing — this correct distribution of resources of the organization with requirements of the market
      In a markeging communication between people is meant. Marketing includes a lot of things. After all, at us each person transfers to lives to someone information. That is marketing is a communication.
      On a ratio between supply and demand distinguish 2 look or conditions of the market:
      – market of the seller (market of the producer);
      – market of the buyer (consumer market).
      At the market of the seller demand considerably exceeds the offer, the commodity market is poor, scales of production are small, the competition is absent, dictatorship of the producer takes place, quality of goods is almost not reflected in sales volume, the role plays only quantity. In this case, when the output doesn’t keep up with increase in demand, at the enterprises cut down expenses on advertizing and sales promotion, the service of marketing is frozen and engaged only in drawing up perspective long-term forecasts for separate parameters of the activity.
      At the market of the buyer the offer in a quantitative sense constantly exceeds demand, the commodity market is oversaturated, the competition is considerable and constantly grows. The main difficulties at the enterprise in these conditions arise not in the sphere of production, and in the sphere of sale. The most rational way of an equilibration of supply and demand – to stimulate demand through development of system of marketing and services of marketing at the enterprises (policy of development of requirements) in a similar situation. At such economic situation there is an orientation of the enterprises and organizations to marketing. The essence of this process is expressed by the phrase: “From product sales to marketing, as the leading philosophy”. The market of the buyer – the most developed type of the market relations.
      The marketing purpose – creation of effective system on the organization and management for fixing of a certain share of the market, ensuring necessary level of profitability, active control over the markets and the prices for planning of long-term and numerous communications of the buyer with the producer, transformation of consumer ability into concrete demand for these goods or service.
      According to Pareto’s law of 20% of regular customers provide to firm to 80% of the current profit.
      More information on web site

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