• The Federal Government has warned applicants to be wary of the activities of some fraudsters who parade themselves as staff of the Federal Scholarship Board in order to defraud unsuspecting candidates, parents and scholars.

    According to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Dr. MacJohnNwaobila, who made the disclosure in Abuja, similar reports have been received on admissions into the Federal Unity Colleges.

    He said: “It has come to the notice of the management of the Federal Ministry of Education that some fraudulent persons who parade themselves as staff of the Federal Scholarship Board are contacting Federal Scholarship applicants/scholars via telephone calls and text messages demanding payment of money into some particular bank accounts before their scholarships are processed and awarded.”

    Nwaobila said that although no one has been arrested, the fraudulent acts have been reported to the law enforcement agents for further investigation with a view to bringing the perpetrators to book.

    The permanent secretary disclosed that no payment of money is required throughout the entire scholarship award process and the ministry does not charge money to offer admission at any level.

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    1. Emmanuel 9 years ago

      I love this

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